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NCMG Annual General Meeting

Come join us!

It’s that time of year again.

The more the merrier, and we welcome new members, especially anyone who wants to join our executive.

Last year’s AGM was our first as a Zoom meeting and we are planning the same format again this year to allow as many people as possible to participate (and since we are all still in lockdown)

To join in, email Jane Elek, j­­ to ask her to send you the link to the meeting and the associated documents.


We promise an interesting couple of hours, starting with a few short inspiring videos.

We will get the required AGM business covered as quickly as possible.

That includes our President reporting on the amazing amount of things we managed to achieve last year in spite of Covid, plus an overview of all our actions in our campaign to Save Batemans Marine Sanctuaries by Bill Barker. If you are concerned about our marine environment and would like to get up to speed on why sanctuary zones are so important and what we have been doing to protect them, join in.

We also need to elect our Executive:

President, Vice president, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership secretary and at least 3 committee members

While voting isn't usually required, any voting is restricted to financial members. If you are not financial and want to join please go to the memberships page on our website. All contributions are very welcome at the moment with the sanctuary zones campaign under way.

Due to several retirements, there are vacancies on the committee, we’ve got a couple of people coming on but would welcome others to join to bring new ideas and experience. If you think you might like to be part of our growing and passionate team, please get in touch with Jane Elek on 0427 197 577 or

The session will be closing with a short talk from innovator, scientist, environmentalist and local resident and business owner Jo Lane, she’ll be sharing an inside scoop on what has been happening in their “Kelp Lab” in Tilba Tilba for the past 5 years - as harvesters of Golden Kelp (Ecklonia Radiata) Jo and husband Wazza have been pioneering ways of actually breeding and growing kelp in the lab and their research could change the face of seaweed farming and harvesting for this kelp species globally.

See their Kelp Babies under the microscpoe and hear about their latest support from the Deep Green Biotech Hub and University of Technology Sydney.

Earlier Event: October 2
Meringo Beach Shell Survey*